Join the Atlas Academy and access free courses on installation best practices, solar building codes, and much more. New courses being developed continually.
Get started by creating a profile so you can track your progress, complete exams, earn badges and NABCEP continuing education units.

Installer & NABCEP Certification Courses
Earn NABCEP CEUs while brushing up on your solar industry knowledge. Certificates are provided automatically upon completion of each course. You can also track your progress with these courses in your profile.
It goes over the basics of solar and how to install a pitched roof system using FlashVue®, XR Rail®, BOSS®, and CAMO™.
Required for Pitched Roof Comp Shingle Certification
Course Content
Required for Pitched Roof Comp Shingle Certification
Course Content
Course Content
Repasa los conceptos básicos de la energía solar y cómo instalar un sistema de techo inclinado utilizando FlashVue®, XR Rail®, BOSS® y CAMO™.
Required for Pitched Roof Comp Shingle Certification
Course Content
Required Pitched Roof Tile Certification
Course Content
Course Content
Required Pitched Roof Tile Certification
Course Content
Tips & Tricks
These general knowledge courses will aid in the installation of IronRidge® products while also providing some best practices from seasoned professionals. No NABCEP CEUs are awarded for completion of them.